All manuscripts must be edited in Microsoft Office Word Program.
Arrangement (please download our template):
Page Setup – margins: top = 3 cm, bottom = 3 cm, left =2 cm, right = 2 cm; paper: A4; layout: heather and footer: 2 cm.
Font: Cambria
Two lines of space between the header and the title
Title: size=14, bold, center;
Subtitles: size = 12, bold, left alignment;
Other notes: No space is left between the subtitles and the text.
Authors : size=12, name and number (in superscript) that indicate affiliation, left alignment
Institutional affiliation, cambria, size= 8, left alignment
Contact address: e-mail or postal address;
Summary (abstract) no more then 300 words, cambria, size = 9 (short presentation of aim and purpose, material, methods, results, conclusions); Abstract should be in english
Key-words: 3-5 words, italic, size=9;
Text : size=10, line spacing = one column (width = 7,36 cm and spacing = 1,27 cm), must include aim, purpose, material, methods, results, discussions and conclusions.
Illustrations, graphs and photos should all be considered as figures; each graph, drawing or photograph should be numbered in sequence with Arabic numerals (size 9); all figures should have legends (size 9); line drawing and lettering should be large enough to sustain photo-reduction (min 300 dpi) .
Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals and titled (size 9). Example: Table 5
The figures, graphs, and tables will be placed in the text, after they are mentioned, numbered, and titled, in the order in which they appear in the text, and according to the instructions for authors.
The tables are numbered above the table, while the figures or graphs are numbered below.
References (size 8):
This journal follows the APA reference style (7th Edition). The APA citation format requires citation within the text and should be included in the manuscript’s text between brackets ( ). In-text citations usually include the name of the author and the date of publication for example: (Smith, 2008)
At the end of the paper, in a section called “References,” full citations are listed in alphabetical order. The list of references should include only those publications which are cited in the text.
- For journals:
Ex: Sîrbu, E. (2012). The effects of moderate aerobic training on cardiorespiratory parameters in healthy elderly subjects. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 12(4), 560.
For two authors:
Ex: Ambady, N., &Rosenthal, R. (1993). Half a minute: Predicting teacher evaluations from thin slices of nonverbal behavior and physical attractiveness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64(3), 431–441.
- edited books or monographs
Author(s) last name, first and middle initial/Year of publication/ Title (in italics)/ Publisher name
Ex: Kimmel, M. S. (2007). The gendered society. Oxford University Press.
Sârbu, E., Chiriac, M., & Ianc, D. (2012). Fundamentele kinetoterapiei: noţiuni şi tehnici. Editura Universităţii din Oradea.
For more information about APA style, visit and
Submission of a manuscript is held to imply that it has not previously published and is not otherwise submitted for publication, except as an abstract (which in that case has to be stated).
Content: these articles expresses the opinion of the editors, editorial board, scientific board, publishers of the journal or other personalities from domain; it is about views about a certain theme about physical education, sport, sport medicine, physical therapy and rehabilitation; the editorial should carry a message which promote a point of view.
Size: the article must have no more then 4 pages.
Guides articles
Content: the article must include theoretical and practical aspects that must to be report to actual researches in physical education, sport, sport medicine, physical therapy and rehabilitation.
Size: the article must have no more then 8 pages.
Format: the text must be compact and can have few subtitles.
References: must be from the last five years and priority has books, large articles, monographies; should be introduced in text.
Original papers
Content: original papers must include fundamentals research in physical education, sport, sport medicine, physical therapy and rehabilitation and clinical research regarding physical therapy and rehabilitation.
Size: 6-8 pages, 4-5 image documents (graphs, photographies etc.) ;
Format: the text must be structured in: introduction, aim and purpose of the study, material and method, results, discussions, conclusions (which must present personal conclusions);
References: should be introduced in text.
Clinical studies (case reports)
Content: clinical aspects and research that can show new ways and conclusions regards morphologic evaluation and clinic assessment, therapeutic conclusions regarding the therapy or/and the evolution of assessed rehabilitation processes.
Size: 3-5 pages, 1-2 original demonstrations and researches.
Format: case report, discussion and comparative study in report with other actuality studies.
References should be introduced in text.
Note: In-text citation: For three or more authors, use “et al.” after the first author’s name (e.g., Smith et al., 2020).
Reference list citation: In APA style, for works with up to 20 authors, all authors are listed, but for 21 or more authors, “et al.” is used after the first author’s name.