Systematic review of treatment methods for the carpal tunnel syndrome (Ciprian GLAZER, Corina PANTEA)
Body mass index and quality of life among students aged nineteen to twenty two years (Nada ARSENI, Hans-Eric REITMAYER)
The training, nutrition and physical conditioning programme: a challenge for kickboxing athletes to achieve athletic greatness (Cristian NEGREA, Alexandru LEPARDA, Silvia Nicoleta MIRICA, Martin DOMOKOS, Cerasela DOMOKOS, Eugen BOTA, Adrian NAGEL)
Study regarding the development of the front crawl and backstroke swimming techniques in children aged 7-10 (Dan Ionuț PÎRJOL, Marcel RĂSĂDEAN)
Rehabilitation methods in non-displaced fractures of the proximal humerus (Denisa – Laura GALL, Ana-Maria VUTAN, Andreea NIȚĂ, Călin VUTAN)
Evaluation of the ventilometric parameters of two football teams in different leagues (Gabriel ARNĂUTU, Remus DATCU)